Meet Allie…

Hello! Let me tell you a little about me..

I am an elder millenial, child of TRL & AOL Instant Messenger.

I love being outside in good weather, traveling & trying new bakeries.

My husband Garret and I have a blended rag tag family of feral, rescued & naked cats, plus a goldendoodle with an anxiety disorder.

My two daughters are the number one priority in my life and I have carefully crafted life to be available to them, so if you wonder why I offer the array of services that I do - it’s simple! These are the things I can do and have experience in and love offering. I can be a totally all-in mom, and still make my living AND do things I enjoy.

I am a natural born creative. I have 16 years experience as a photographer and small business entrepreneur, 14 years experience as a mom, 12 years experience in web, marketing and graphic design, 3 years as a licensed massage therapist and just a few months as a certified yoga instructor. (Hello, ADHD, I see you.)

In 2022-23, I experienced trauma that caused me to be diagnosed with C-PTSD. Through my journey to heal my nervous system, I have re-ignited passion for the arts and yoga as a lifestyle. I guess after enough time, you have no choice but to dedicate yourself to managing whatever life has handed you, and for me this evolution has landed me in the world of somatic healing, first myself, then helping others.

I consider myself a process artist and use painting as art therapy. I am a firm believer that art saves my life regularly. Some mediums I practice are photography, videography, stained glass, lampworking, ceramics, sculpture, mixed media art, watercolor & acrylic painting.

I am inspired by the power of color to make people feel good and I am currently working on a series of large-scale color studies. I would love to one day paint large-scale originals for offices, hospitals or interior designers who want abstract art made specifically for a space, a mood or a moment.

In 2023, I facilitated somatic art classes and taught tye-dye workshops at the Parkersburg Art Center. I just love holding space for people who are seeking the therapeutic benefits of regular art creation practices. Classes are intentionally open ended and allow students to explore, play, learn new mediums and just enjoy the set-aside time to create in a judgment-free, supportive environment. Classes will resume in the winter. You can see what other classes are currently being offered at

After 19 years of practicing yoga, I completed my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training and teach yoga in Belpre, Ohio at the Strength Warehouse. I plan to pursue my 500 hour training next and sharpen my teaching style to facilitate classes that are fun, therapeutic and focused on helping students build strength to manage pain and maintain mobility.

In my own yoga journey, I discovered so many things about my body and my brain. People often think of yoga as an “asana” or pose based practice but I am a firm believer that true yoga is much more about self awareness, emotional and mental growth, developing physical discipline to take radical control of your mobility for life… and to help you quiet and sort out all the crap bouncing around in your brain. There are so many benefits and I look forward to developing classes that make it comfortable for students to being their yoga journey.

Glad you are here!
